Friday, 2 September 2016

iphone photos from august

The end of July and the beginning of August means a birthday weekend for both Jilly, her Nana, and her Auntie Rebecca. So much cake and so many candles to blow out :) 

We will never want to forget August of 2016. It was the month when we found our two neighbourhood babysitters. We were all about the date nights and it was wonderful :)

Coop slept most of his nights on the floor. He's starting to come around to the idea of his new bed just this week.

Mattress shopping! We took the plunge and got a king size bed. Life. Changing. 

Jilly had two days of daycare scheduled for August, primarily because of a Friday wedding that we had no idea what to do with. She needed a couple cute but cheap clothes that she could destroy by playing in a sandbox :)

Someone wrote a book about me.

After such wonderful success on her two days at daycare, Ry and I decided to put Jilly in full time. She's going to learn so many things, do crafts, and make friends. 

September is here and I couldn't be happier. I LOVE the fall. Counting down the days until Jilly wears her first pair of skinny jeans and sneakers. Eeee!

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